Upload a Version

Create and release versions of your Element packs

As with all products on Muse Hub, Element pack releases are grouped into Versions.

After you've created the product and filled out the general details, you can proceed to creating a new version by clicking the "+ Add" button from the Versions tab.

Version Type:

  • Beta: this will release the pack to a special list of beta testers only. For mor einformation, see: "Set up Beta Testing"

  • Release: This sets the product to release immediately to Muse Hub. Your product may be held for Content Review; after passing review it is made available immediately on Muse Hub.

Version: Set a version number for this release. This usually will be 1.0.0 and increment from there.

All version numbers in Muse Hub should be in a X.X.X format; e.g 1.0.1 or 1.2.1.

What's New: This section is typically empty for Element packs. However, if you update a pack to fix issues (e.g., loop point problems) or add new content, highlight the changes here.

Description: You can add an extended descriptin for the version here.

Genres: choose the genre(s) for the pack. E.g a pack of "House vocals" may simply have the genre: "house". Fewer is better!

Instruments (optional): Outline the instruments used here for better search results at a pack level.

Tags (optional): You can add optional, additional tags to help surface the pack in search results. for example, "House Vocals" may have some additional tags of "a capella, auto-tuned, processed, chart".

For all genre, instrument and tags, you can enter multiple values. Always use lower case values, separated wth a comma. e.g "lofi, house, vocal"

EULA: If you have a specific license agreement, you can enter/copy and paste it here. If this is left blank, the standard Muse Hub EULA will be displayed

User guide: If your product has a user guide or content list, you can upload this (PDF format only) here.

Knowledge Base Document: Upload a PDF, RTF, or TXT file to enhance customer support. This resource can be used by our support agents or through an AI support bot to improve domain-specific knowledge and provide automatic responses to common product queries.

Previews: Upload an audio (mp3, .m4a) here; this will be displayed on featured product cards, and on your product page. This demo should showcase the sounds contained within the pack.

Clearly state in your product's short description if your audio demo contains additional sounds not included with the pack.

Upload Elements

Click the "Elements" tab to upload your audio content.

There are 4 main ways to ingest content:

  • Individual sound upload. This may be relevant if you're releasing a pack of production music, with relatively few but longer/larger tracks.

  • Batch Upload: the same as a single element upload, but you can dtag n' drop or select mulitople audio files at once.

  • Zip upload: The most common scenario will be to upload a zip that contains your audio content. As such, this method has the most flexibiity and options.

Upload a zip

There are two supported formats for the element pack zip file:

  1. With a CSV file containing a list of elements and their metadata

    CSV file should have file_name or filename column containing a file name or a path to the file inside the zip in case of a nested folder structure.

    All supported columns:

    • file_name or filename (required) - file name or a path to the file inside the zip

    • category - UCS category (e.g, MUSICAL). For more information, see https://universalcategorysystem.com)

    • subCategory - UCS sub-category (e.g, PERCUSSION for MUSICAL category)

    • title or title - element title. If not provided, the file name without the extension is used.

    • tags - comma separated list of tags

    • description - Free-form element description. If tags are not provided, the description is used to extract tags.

    • genre - element musical genre. Single value, e.g., ROCK

    • key or sample_key - musical key of the element. Single value, e.g., C or Am

    • bpm - beats per minute. Single value, e.g., 120

    • instrument_name - Instruments. Commas separated list, e.g., guitar, bass, drums

    • sample_type - Sample type. Enum loop or one_shot. If not provided, the type is determined by the USC category. Defaults to one_shot

    Zip file can include only the CSV file, without the actual sample files. This can be used if you want to update only the metadata of the existing elements. For this mode to work you should upload a .zip file with only a CSV inside, then check the "Allow metadata-only updates" checkbox before you submit.

  2. Without a CSV file

    In this case, the zip must contain the actual sample files and metadata will be extracted from the file names. The file names should follow this pattern:publisher_pack_bpm_instrument_tag1_tag2_tag3...tagN_key.wav


    • 91V_GO_100_synth_arp_arcade_high_Bm.wav

    • AQU_80_vocal_hook_wet_sunset_bliss_harmony_A#.wav

AI Audio Tagger

After uploading a zip file, you can choose whether or not to augment or supplement the results with additional tags provided by our Muse Audio Tagger. This is an AI based classifier that will try and add tags based on the audio content of the file itself, including tempo, key, instrument and other descriptors. If you have detailed and accurate CSV information, you should turn this off. If you are using the file name scheme or have no metadata supplied within the file, you may want to leave this on.

Last updated